CRIVER ruote-online

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Terms of sale

Criver SRL Soc. Unipersonale is a virtual online store accessible by connecting to the internet and logging on to www.ruote-online.it.
Criver SRL Soc. Unipersonale - Via Garibaldi 5/2 - 37057 San Giovanni Lupatoto (Verona) - Tel. +39 045 548444 - VAT No. 03217330236 is the seller of the products offered on the website.

The login and password are a sequence of characters chosen by the Customer that allow us to identify him and that grant him access to a personal profile on the website, where the Customer can review and edit his personal details entered when registering on the website and check the status of orders and shipments.
If you forget your password, simply click on "Forgot your password?" to have it sent automatically to your mailbox.
If you forget your username, simply click on "Forgot your username?" to have it sent automatically to your mailbox.

The prices for items on sale on the website include VAT.

By browsing the website, you can view the articles for sale and put the ones you are interested in purchasing in your shopping cart.
The cart is a section of the website in which customers place the products they wish to buy and can be accessed at any time to change the quantity of the products or to delete them from the cart. Once a customer has placed an order, he can complete the purchase. To process payments, customers must enter their login and password.

Individual who uses an internet connection to access https://www.ruote-online.it to browse the website or to make purchases, directly or on behalf of a company he represents. The Customer must abide by both the terms of use and the terms of sale.

Products Catalogue
The items for sale that appear on the website are those featured in our online catalogue and match the name of the product, manufacturer and technical specifications stated in the product sheets exactly, except for typos and errors when uploading new photos. Even the images that appear on the website are exact representations of the products. However, it is possible that for some items, the manufacturer may change their shape. This kind of variation is not considered to be a replacement or alteration of the product offered on this website.

All prices are inclusive of VAT and any taxes or excise duties applicable to the item for sale. Prices shown do not include shipping costs, which will be calculated and specified separately and upon confirmation of the order.

The price displayed is always the real price and Criver SRL Soc. Unipersonale guarantees it will always process an order, except when the price advertised is changed by third parties fraudulently or when the price displayed may be incorrect due to an unintentional typing error.
In these cases, Criver SRL Soc. Unipersonal reserves the right not to process your order, in which case it guarantees it will not demand payment at a price different from the one displayed on the website.